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Executive Director


Dato Ahmadi bin Yusoff

Executive Director

Nationality / Age / Gender:
Malaysian / 64 / Male

Date of Appointment:
18 February 2010

Academic/Professional Qualification(s)/Recognition:
Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Universiti Sains Malaysia

Working Experiences:
Dato Ahmadi held various key management positions with experience spanning over 17 years in the rural electrification, media, agro-chemical, construction, plantation and trading sectors

Present Directorship(s) in other public/listed companies:
Dato Ahmadi does not hold any directorship in other public company or listed company

Family Relationship with any Director and/or Major Shareholder of the Company:
Dato Ahmadi is the brother of Tan Sri Bustari bin Yusuf, who is deemed interested by virtue of his interest in Shorefield Resources Sendirian Berhad., a Major Shareholder of the Company

Disclosure of conflict of Interest with the company:

Conviction for offences within the past 5 years and any public sanction or penalty imposed by relevant regulatory bodies (other than traffic offences) during financial year end:

Number of board meetings attended in the fincancial year end:
Dato Ahmadi attended all six (6) Board Meetings held in the financial year ended 31 December 2023
