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Oil Field Optimisation (Sub Surface)
Petra Energy provides multi-disciplinary exploration and reservoir management consulting services for the oil and gas industry through the provision of sub-surface geological & geophysical, reservoir, production engineering and well engineering services.

In oil field optimisation, we provide Full Field Review (FFR) and Field Development Plan (FDP) of ageing assets and reservoirs to enable our clients to make informed decisions on operating onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities.

From the FDP recommendations, clients have the option to decide on the following:

Operate“as is”basis
Redevelop for maximum immediate recovery
Redevelop for long-term reservoir recovery
Redevelop to arrest production decline
Abandon / decommission wells and facilities
Our Capabilities
Integrated brown field rejuvenation and optimisation
Production enhancement and field rejuvenation
Well and asset integrity management
Well and asset abandonment
Small field and bypassed oil development
Training & consultancy

We have managed projects utilising field optimisation techniques and new technologies on behalf of both operators and lead contractors in numerous locations throughout the world. Field rejuvenation, stranded reserves exploitation and bypassed oil recoveries are the key areas of our focus for our clients.

Our track record includes successes in new technologies application for rejuvenating mature oil and gas fields through our multi-discipline expertise with that of our clients and by our rapidly expanding international clientele base, which includes many of the major principals worldwide (see below).

P2 Energy Solutions
Formerly known as ISS Group
Petroleum Experts Limited
Petroleum Engineering Software Tools IPM Suites